Simplify the Holidays ahead of Time


Fall is absolutely my favorite time of the year. The temperatures finally chill out, the nights seem cozier, the outfits are much cuter, pumpkin spice latte is back…but more than anything the excitement of the holidays come into view. There’s the beginning of an electric energy in the air that gets stronger and stronger through Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Year’s. It starts out with Hobby Lobby stocking their shelves (way too early even I say) with pumpkins, table runners and wreaths. Schedules get filled up further and further in advance as parties, festivals and family events start popping up on weekends more and more. Gifts are bought, budgets are blown, time is short and stress is high. And before you know it, it’s January and you’re broke, 5 pounds heavier and flat exhausted. You feel like you’ve just ridden a wild roller coaster and been spit out on the other side.

Like a lot of couples, my husband Craig and I are the perfect example of “opposites attract”. I’m Clark Griswold, he’s the Grinch. I start shopping and dreaming of Christmas party outfits right after Halloween. I try on, coordinate and theme each outfit for each event we’ll be invited to go to. Craig shows up 15 minutes before each party we “have to go to” and after he’s whined and begged not to go, he usually relents and huffs “fine, what am I supposed to wear?” December is pretty much just one repeated fight over and over about too many social activities and spending too much money.

Honestly, that’s the last way I want to spend the season. I don’t want my daughter growing up with frenzied and stressful memories of the Christmas. When I think of the perfect holiday, I dream of laughter with friends and family, cozy quiet nights, spiritual reflection of gratitude and maybe a couple of inches of peaceful, quiet snow. I want to invest in traditions, live within our means, gift experiences rather than stuff.

Last year one of my New Year’s resolutions was to keep this holiday season simple. I purposefully scheduled a reminder for myself for October 1st to pre-plan this out. This holiday season I want to pledge to simplify. To focus more on what does matter and to relentlessly cut what doesn’t. More than any time of the year I need to fiercely guard our time and prioritize our sanity.
More love and less waste…
More fun and less stuff…
More joy and less stress…

If you too strive for a simpler holiday season and choose to plan ahead to make this happen, join me in the movement for priorities. Follow the #SimplfyHolidays pledge on the Oklahome Team Facebook page to join the discussion. There I’ll offer schedule hacks and tips for gifting. Add your tips and traditions to help gift outside of the box too.

Happy #SimplifyHolidays season! May yours be filled with peace and joy.