This isn’t a house.
This is “We’ve waited 10 years to finally do this. Our land truly is God’s promise.”
This is “When we are tired, stressed or just need a fun day, we come out here.”
This is “Let me give you the grand tour!”
This is “I can’t wait to sit right here with my coffee and stare out this window at my beautiful trees”

This is “We designed this wall specifically to fit my Great Aunt’s buffet perfectly right here.”
This is “These windows are set at the perfect height for my short view and his tall view. We went back & forth a million times over that”
This is “Look how far you can see on a clear day like this from way up here!”
This is “Here’s where my Christmas tree will go. It’s 12ft tall so I needed to be sure these ceilings were high enough.”
This is “I’m putting a plug right there so my Rumba vacuum will have its’s own perfect little garage to park at night.”
This is “We measured the shower head to made sure he won’t have to bend under it to get wet like he normally does. “
This is “Check out this Pinterest idea! We’re building it just like that!”
This is “Our friends surprised us by writing bible verses on the studs of the walls. Read this one! And this one!”
This is “We dedicated a special thank you message to honor our uncle who helped make all of this happen before he passed away.”
This is “Our Construction Manager was so excited to show me this. It was cute. He was so proud”
This is “I’ll decorate with pumpkins here on the porch for fall”
This is “I’ll display my family tree history photo collage here in the staircase.”
This is “Which is the exactly-right green shade for the cabinets? We’ll paint swatches on the wall to see it in the right light at different times of the day.”
This is “Our dog is scared of storms so we made this special hidey hole here for her under the stairs. She’ll feel safe there.”
A custom home isn’t sticks and bricks. Not at all. It’s a reflection of family and a celebration of the focus on priorities. It’s the love of those who will live there and who will visit there. Today was a wonderful day. The home is in an ugly duckling stage but you’d never know it. To see the home through the homeowner’s eyes is really something special. Thank you Lauren for sharing that with me today.