On this day 6 years ago I left a job I loved to live a dream I’d always had. I walked away from a steady paycheck, health insurance, 401k and mentors who taught me so many things for which I could never repay. I jumped in to @oklahomehomebuilders full time with Craig. He was probably more nervous about it than I was but he never let on. I knew that CB would be starting school soon and that weekends would be precious time with her. I didn’t want to sit in a model home (although I loved it) and continue to get picture text updates from her nanny of the two of them getting nuggets at Chic-fil-A. I was missing out and I knew I’d never get these days back. I had been selling homes for 15 years and I didn’t know any other job. But the day before this day I audibly heard God tell me “It’s Time”. I walked into the office and told my boss that it was time for me to choose my real family over my work family. I was shaking and I bawled as soon as I got in the car.
But that afternoon was the most beautiful sunny day. I drove home, let the nanny go home early and invited CB to go on a walk. It felt so weird to be out in the middle of the day on a Wednesday afternoon. I took a short book along with us and half way around the walking trails by the pond we sat down on a bench. I told her that I had quit my job so that I could spend more time with her. I’d still work at a job – and probably a lot but now I could be there for her when she needed me to be. I’d have more flexibility to go to every school trip, concert performance and sick day.
Sometimes being self employed is tough. The saying “you’ll give up working 9-5 in order to work 24-7” is totally true. I work a lot in the evenings, I work on weekends still a lot too but for the most part I also get to be home when she get’s off the bus. Having a family business means that she’s spent a lot of her life in our office or model homes. We both get to see Daddy then too.
I’ve cried a lot being a working mom, I’ve been thankful a lot too. As you see in this picture she didn’t really get the sacrifice I made that day or even the freedom I felt. She just wanted to make a silly face but it was ok. Someday she’ll understand and I’ll always remember that day that I gave it all up.