As you may have followed from previous posts, our very own Rob and Beth Allen (Architect Designer and Interior Designer) along with their son, Alex are in the exciting throws of creating their own new OklaHome. Lovingly named the “Artists’ Abode” (they both love painting, drawing and creating), this home is blooming with creativity, charm and most of all, love.
A few weeks ago, Beth Architectural Salvage Supply is a great place in Oklahoma City
to spend an afternoon pouring through vintage doors, crystal knobs and metal light fixtures. They found piles of great scrap barnwood to build the wall from Beth’s inspiration Pinterest pin.

Antique malls are great for treasure hunts too! Beth fell in love with this metal arrow marquis sign for her son’s play room and of course, Rob made a bee-line straight for the vintage airplane for his study.

These lockers and fan were perfect for Alex’s room which will be more an eclectic steampunk style. The lockers are from the 50’s and were salvaged from an old building in downtown OKC. Beth is trying to find out more about which building. The great thing about vintage pieces is they always come with a story – even if you have to look for it (or dream one up!)

At OklaHome, we strive to build homes that reflect our families’ personality. Trends are fleeting, vintage is timeless. What story will you tell with your home?
To see more photos of their home, follow #ArtistsAbode on Instagram.