We love Chip and Joanna Gaines from HGTV’s Fixer Upper show. They are a fun couple who work together to run a successful business called Magnolia Homes in Waco, Texad consisting of a renovation company, interior design services, real estate, a boutique shop and much much more. She has an incredible eye for style and marketing and he’s a corny farm kid who can fix anything (sound familiar?). They love #ModernFarmhouse style and have even renovated an old farmhouse for their family. To read Joanne’s blog about how their story began, their dream to make Waco beautiful one home at a time and all about their latest silo project, click here.

Last month, Craig and I roadtripped to Waco to explore the Gaines’ stomping grounds and see all that they’re working on in person. They were in their 3rd season of filming so unfortunately they weren’t just hanging around the shop but nevertheless we got to see and experience plenty!
First stop was Magnolia Market. It was everything we wanted it to be. I found this awesome Farmhouse sign and pretty much wanted to buy the whole store (Don’t let Craig see the receipt!). Their 1400sf shop was busting at the seams and they even had an overflow shop called The Barn with new merchandise. Their style is much like ours – farm utility meets modern elegance. Simple and relaxing.

Stop #2: Harp Design studios is a must stop as well. Just down the street from Magnolia Market, this company custom makes all the cool furniture pieces for the store. They also have an on-line store selling décor items and utilitarian pieces. A large overhead garage door is often open giving the public views into their workshop. Shoppers can watch the sawing and hammering in person. Although we could hear a lot going on behind the scenes, on this day the door was kept tightly closed to keep the secrets for season #3 shows.

Stop #3: THE SILOS! In her blog, Joanna Gaines describes these two giant silos in downtown Waco that she always dreamed of renovating as she drove by them everyday. Construction is moving full force as they now repurpose the flower shop next door into their new Magnolia Market store and the silos into a public Trade Days flea market. Opening day is scheduled for this Fall. Who wants to go with me?!

Overall, I love the dream that Chip and Joanna Gaines is creating. They have a personal style that national viewers on HGTV are gravitating towards. They’re able to balance a full work partnership along with a full family life with 4 kids, a farm to run and tons of friends. Most of all, they have an inspiring background story with God’s values running deep. We had a wonderful time in Waco visiting Magnolia Homes. Highly recommended road trip for sure!