Charmed I’m sure…

I’ve never blogged before…well not really.  “They” say I should have a theme – a reason for writing but really I’m at a loss. Words have just always been in my heart and whenever God reveals life lessons to me my heart just wants to share those lessons with others.  It helps the wisdom stick with me and whether any one else reads the posts or not, the lessons I’ve learned are at least documented for me to remember someday when I need to learn them again. 

Also I love to share new discoveries.  Maybe it’s a restaurant I’m loving or a new pair of earrings I’m obsessed with or a list of ideas for Christmas gifts, it’s fun to spread the excitement. Have a question or something to say about one of my posts?  I’d love to chat! Want to tell me all about the great new (website, vaca spot, mom-hack) you’ve found.  Please do!It’s nice to meet you.  Charmed I’m sure.  Welcome friend.